Question : Best bandwidth settings for g729

Hi Experts,
  If I decrease the payload length from 20 to 10ms, will that make g729 call use more or less bandwidth?

Do I need to change payload settings on both asterisk side and the phone side, or just on the phone?

Also if I use VAD (Voice Activity Detection) will that cause any change to the call quality?

Thanks in advance,

Answer : Best bandwidth settings for g729

Dear Sir,

For any codec you have the below:
#packet per sec for g729 Codec
PPS = (8 Kbps codec bit rate) / (160 bits) = 50 pps

Note: 160 bits = 20 bytes (default voice payload) * 8 bits per byte
Bandwidth per call = voice packet size (224 bits) * 50 pps = 11.2 Kbps
If the payload length decrease the Bandwith per call will Increase

Yes...The payload size should be the same on Softphone and asterisk

regarding VAD, please note that asterisk des not support VAD and i do not advice to use it

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