Question : disable remote administrative console

Could anyone tell me how to disable the administrative console from remote machines?
that is, I only want those ppl login locally on the websphere server can access the adminsitrative console instead of everyone open an IE can connect to the admin console from other machine.
I am using WAS 5.0 deployment manager.
Thanks a lot!

Answer : disable remote administrative console

You can either disable the entire administration application, or secure it to accept only specific users.
To disable the administration application go to enterprise applications and stop the adminconsole application.
You will have to administer using server command line.

To secure the server, first decide where you manage the users.
You can use either LDAP (I use Domino..) or the local file system.
Assuming you go for local file system:
Create a local user on the machine where WAS runs.
open Security>User registries>local OS
Enter the user and password into the appropriate places.
Save the configuration changes, stop WAS and BACKUP!!
Restart WAS.
Go to Security>Global SEcurity
Check Enabled.
Set Active user registry to Local OS.
Save configuration, Stop and restart WAS.
If you have problems logging in, give it another 5-10 tries, since there is a bug in WAS 5.0 and you may have not installed the fix.
If you still cannot log in, restore the configuration from backup, especially security.xml, and call your friendly IBM service :-<

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