Question : VPN and Firebox X700

I have a Cisco 800 series router coming into my office. I recently purchased a Firebox X700 to setup here for firewall protection. Our subnet mask is on all the PCs and our DHCP range is from I'm currently setting up the X700 and its asking for a Trusted IP address, along with a secondary IP address. I'm assuming that in the Trusted IP, i'm suppose to put a static address within the range of our network. I'm not sure what to put in the secondary IP. My second question is, am i going to have to change my configuration in my Cisco in order for me to have a VPN. I'm assuming I will so i can open up certain ports or IPs to come through, however I have no cisco experience, classes don't start until September lol.

Answer : VPN and Firebox X700

Ok well I see why you are getting that error.  As I stated above you will need to use your public space address for this.  You are going to need another IP address in the network.  Your ISP should be able to give you a specific block.  For a business account they should have given you at least 4 IP's for every T1.  I can write the config file for you, by just copying mine, but you will need more address space.
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