IPv6 is a tunneling protocol, and only compatible on IPv6 routers.
The problem with this is Netbios is not a routeable protocol. This means it will not route over a VPN tunnel, or IPv6 tunnel. Hence, you can't translate host name to IPv6 address.
However, there is a little utility to ping IPv6 address. It's called Ping6.
http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/sag_ip_v6_pro_diag_ping6_conn.mspx?mfr=trueWhat you should look for is a VISTA machine, or probably Windows 7. For some reason, they came with IPv6 enabled, by default. However, they usually enable both IPv4 and IPv6 in the network adapter, and that node chooses the preferred method to communicate with.
I would be willing to bet, very soon, someone is going to come up to you and say. "I can't get to the mapped network drives or network shares. It says something like, can't find domain controller." As an administrator, this is one of those problems that will find you.