Question : web hosting Linux vs. Windows?

We have a website that is hosted by a company.  I believe that it is a Windows based server.  Another company wants to come in and put us on a Linux based server.  What is the difference for us?  We just have a plain website that they are going to upgrade for us as a non-profit organization.

All I care is that I can upload documents and Executables to the site for other users to download.  If that is a problem, then I would not be interested.  

Answer : web hosting Linux vs. Windows?

If that is all you are doing then there is no reason you would see a difference. If you are yourself administering your server then Linux can be a steep learning curve. If you have no need to directly interact with it then that is fine.

As a general rule though I always prefer Linux to something Windows. They are much more stable and there is less downtime.

Hope this helps.
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