Question : INet~Services 1Ch Record

Cleaning up WINS and came across this 1Ch record (I had thought they were only for DC's) and wondered if anyone had any resources for understanding this records existence and purpose. It really *sounds* like this is a record that IIS servers register. That's all fine and good but if that's the case then is there a way to gracefully remove an IIS server so that it unregisters?

I ask because there are 17 addresses in this record and of those, only 5 of them actually respond. 3 of the addresses resolve but don't respond. The other 9 are mysteries.

So that said, we have 4 WINS servers in a spoke / hub model all with Push/Pull replication. 2 servers are in the root forest domain (the hub and a spoke), and the other 2 are in a child domain.

All 1Ch records are accurate. I deleted and regenerated them during maintenance. All 1Bh records are accurate.

I deleted and regenerated the INet~Services 1Ch record also.

When I go to the "Display Records By Owner" tab, all 4 servers show the correct list of 4 possible owners. I do have the Advanced Replication property configured to only accept records by one of those 4 owners.

When I go to the "Delete Owners" tab however, I see 6 invalid owners. I had recently removed all replication and deleted all ghost owners at all 4 servers. They disappeared from the list yesterday, but *some* of them returned today after replication I'm assuming. The odd thing is I've tried tombstoning, replicating, and scavenging, all to no avail. The 6 servers that are still there show a version ID of 0.

I'm stumped for the moment. My question is mainly about the INet~Services record which is difficult to search for since the ~ is often an operator in search engines. But I wanted to mention the owner issue too in case it was related and/or to kill two birds with one stone.


Answer : INet~Services 1Ch Record

The INet~Services <1C> group is indeed registered by the DC and is a domain group for servers running IIS to register their names with.  It can be a static record and if you have a static record that is replicated and clashes with a dynamic record it forms a union of the two groups and makes the whole thing static.

I'm not sure that IIS actually registers itself so much as the WINS client on the machine registers the name if IIS is installed, but I'm not aware of this even being used since NT4.0.  (Been a while since I had to even remember what WINS did...)

Dave Dietz
Random Solutions  
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