No changes.
This is how it is:
2 domain names (1&2) with their www addresses pointing to IPaddressA
1 of these domains (1) also has mail MX record pointing to IPaddressA ?
1 of these domains (2) wants all mail to go to godaddy smtp server directly so they can use webmail ?
so.. domain name (1) (settings hosted on out-of-state server only) would have:
NS - out-of-state server NS
MX - mail.domain1
mail CNAME IPaddressA
and domain name (2) (settings hosted on godaddy and out-of-state server) would have :
NS - godaddy NS
MX - mail.domain2
mail CNAME godaddy SMTP mail server ** (so long as their mail server is setup to accept this mail)
They can accept all mail, except from any domain hosted on the out-of-state server where JUST the website resides. I don't need to configure DNS at all for this site on the out-of-state server for them to receive email from everyone else, have their website accessible, etc. The only reason I need to configure the DNS on the out-of-state server is so that I can send mail to them since my domain, mail, etc. is also hosted on that server. Without making a DNS change on that server, the MTA tries to deliver the mail to domain2 locally. So I simply tell the out-of-state mail server that no, don't do that, and instead send all mail to the godaddy smtp. I don't see how this would cause any problems...