Question : Reject clients with no reverse hostname

G'day fellow postfix junkies!
I can get postfix to reverse name lookup IP addresses.

postfix "Reject clients with no reverse hostname" does not find reverse hostname for any IP address. I can check host names on IP address from the command line ok, but postfix doesn't seem to find any. Blocks all emails.
Linux CentOS.
I get the feeling postfix might need a missing setting on where to resolve hostnames to IP addresses.

Tearing my hair out!

Any Assistance much appreciated,


Code Snippet:
450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname, []  - this a

Answer : Reject clients with no reverse hostname


> - Linux CentOS Postfix - simple, the SMTP log shows reverse DNS searches as connect from
> unknown[]

It is definitely an issue with postfix. It can not resolve hostnames. the unknown shows that.  

Postfix in CentOS uses the system resolver : hosts and dns.

You nent to try to resolve names over the postfix host not over your client system to see if there's a problem over the postfix server.

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