Question : IBM Websphere 5.1 excpetion

Hi I am getting this exception in SytemOut log in Websphere applciation server 5.1 . Any suggestions or solutions to fix this issue>

I looked online for the solutinon but this is all I foind

CWPMI0023W: Unable to register PMI module due to duplicate name: {0}
    Explanation      This is a warning message generated when PMI is unable to register a module due to a naming conflict. PMI tracks all modules and sub-modules by way of a unique name within the specified path. If this message is displayed, PMI can not perform the module addition because a module with the same name already exists.
    Action      If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at

Answer : IBM Websphere 5.1 excpetion is the one for 5.1
Your link is for 5.1.1 (which the fixed 5.1 anyway so it's also ok...)
But as I said I do not see anything applicable so I hope someone that had seen the issue on the 5.x versions will show up..
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