Question : Routing port 80 over dual WAN

My setup is I have a 6mb/s DSL and a 3mb/s bonded T1 I would like to be able to route outbound web traffic and downloads over the DSL and keep the T1 open for games (lan center) since we are just starting up we dont have to money for a expensive solution from Cisco but i was hopeing for something maybe Linux based (free hopefully) and easy to manage (good GUI) we have a dedicated box right now running Smoothwall Express 2 so reuseing that box adding functionality would be the ideal solution.

Thank you in advance,

Answer : Routing port 80 over dual WAN

This is a dual gateway network. Indeed high end hardware is necessary for the hot setup, but...

You could run IPcop or other linux easy setup system (anything with squid caching proxy) proxy all web traffic on port 80 to ensure that it is going out and in via the DSL.  All other protocols will go out through your 3meg by virtue of having the gateway of all PC's point to the 3meg router.

Nothing to manage.  Proxying is ideal for web/download.
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