Question : Cannot delete DFS root replica so I can recreate it...

Ok.  I've been at this for a week.  I bought a new 2003 Server and have been transferring all network functions from our old server to the new one.  I've successfully transitioned DNS, WINS, DHCP and most other functions to the new server.  At one point, I had created a root replica for our DFS filesystem onto the new server with no problem.  I made a minor mistake and somehow wiped to root replicas out a couple days later essentially causing me to have to recreate the DFS structure on our old server.  I go to make another root replica on the 2003 server and I get an error message stating that the it "cannot create a file when that file already exists."  Now, I've tried deleting the orginal root share on the 2K3 server as well as uninstalling and reinstalling the Distributed File System, stopping and restarting the service, but I can get NO WHERE on this.  The error is always the same.

Microsoft has nothing on this that I can find.  Anyone out there experience this before?

Answer : Cannot delete DFS root replica so I can recreate it...

Hey Kabaam!  Actually, right before you posted, I found the answer.  Weirdest thing.  I finally give up and post a question here and then I dig up an answer myself.

I did find the link you posted, and that did not help me at all.  Apparently Windows Server 2003 adds a registry entry that needs to be deleted in order to make this work.  I'll post the link with my found answer and I'll submit the question to be closed.

Thanks anyway kabaam.  :)

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