Question : Setting Up Network

We have about 15 machines out here ... All have Win 2000 installed ...

We want to set up two networks also we want to seperate them. We need some kind of security between these N/W ie. if a Machine A want on Network 1 wants to transfer data/file to Machine B on Network 2 ..we need some password authentication or something..... Also we want our programs running on one of the machines of Network 1 to access Files and transfer files to a machine on Network two

Please help.


Answer : Setting Up Network

Being on separate networks doesn't block all data transfer.

The router would facilitate communication between the networks.  You would have to setup the router to pass whatever data transfer protocol through from one network to the other.  
For example, say you're using FTP to transfer data from your UNIX machines to your Windows machines and back and forth.
You would tell the router to allow port 21 to be opened from your Windows machines on network 1 to communicate to Network 2. but not the other way around.

The simpler way to implement this would be to have a firewall, and have your web servers in a DMZ, that way all of this is done automatically.  However your web servers wouldn't be able t initiate communication with your internal computers.

If you're talking about Windows File sharing you can do the same with those ports, 138.139 and 443 (maybe others? I'm a little rusty)

But then once you open up too many ports, you've lost the security you were trying to get... a Firewall is good because it will allow you "inside" network to initiate communication with your "outside" network.

Sorry to be confusing. Hopefully this makes sense.
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