Question : DNS

Hi There

I have 4 servers, (server2003)

2 of my servers are running AD, and DNS

the third server is running exchange with full access to AD which is running fine.

How do i creat a dns entry to point all mail to the exchange server.  

It's strange,  my gloabl IP is when mail gets here it is pointed to "exchange server" but www points to "ISA Box" i cannot seem to access Outlook web access, should i make this easy and point www & ftp to through my pix?

Or can i route them via dns, if so please tell me how?

on my exchange box, i setup interscan messaging security suite, listning on port 25 "smtp" it then forwards the mail to port "6000"exch.  I changed the port number in exch. to "6000" i can send mail out and only the administrator email account can receive mail, is trend causing this...?

Here is the mail that gets returned....

Reporting-MTA: dns;hitech04.hitechauto.local
Received-From-MTA: dns;hitech04.hitechauto.local
Arrival-Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 23:24:59 +0200

Final-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1

Answer : DNS

If web is pointing to your ISA server, then this is why Outlook Web Access is not working.  Outlook Web Access is handled by the Exchange server, so the web traffic for this needs to point there - or ISA needs to be configured to forward the OWA traffic to the Exchange server (this I can't help with though, I am not really familiar with ISA).  The address for OWA is https://domain/Exchange, so you should be able to forward any requests for this to Exchange.  The alternative would be to set up a subdomain in DNS (e.g. that points to Exchange (then OWA would be at

All mail should be pointed at the Exchange server by creating an MX entry in DNS records for your public IP, and setting up a forward rule for all SMTP traffic (port 25) to your exchange server (I presume you are using a router internally?).  If you are receiving admin email (I presume you have tested this externally?) then that bit must be correct, and it could well be that Trend needs some configuration to allow other mail through.
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