Question : DNS server IP configuration

DNS server IP configuration

I have 2 DNS servers that hold primary/secondary zones. in the TCP/IP configurations of the local area connections for these servers I typed as the Preferred DNS IP address the IP of another DNS which is also a DC, I did this when I was going to join the 2 DNS servers(primary/secondary) to the Domain.

Now when I type NSlookup for any zone in the primary or secondary server it shows that it was resolved by the DNS which is also a DC.
I need to know if I can just leave the TCP /IP the way it is if it doesn;t hurt anything, though it's misleading, OR I need to change TCP/IP Preferred DNS for each Server (Primary/Secondary) to point to their own IPs.


Answer : DNS server IP configuration

I didn't get from the poster's question that the DNS server of interest was a domain controller, but I guess it could have been read either way. ;)

...DNS IP address the IP of another DNS which is also a DC...

Meaning the other server, in addition to being a DNS server, is also a domain controller?

Or, the other server, like this one, is also a domain controller?
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