Question : Trixbox conference bridge hangup

Hi, i'm having a weird problem with my conference bridges, first of all, this are the versions that i have installed:


I use Trixbox CE, i have a few conferences configured, so the thing is this:

I can do a conference with x number of members, and all are able to comunicate with each other... the issue comes when someone invite to the conference a user which got a cell phone, the conference ends... all the users logout but when we tried to use the same conference we get a busy tone on the phone... i was working around in this for a couple of days... and the only thing that fix it is a reboot of the asterisk server....

My question is this...

Is there a way to avoid this kind of haungups happened ? is there some config out there which help me to logout the cell phone users invited to a conference normaly so that way my conference will be able for the next use..

Attached are some images that might be help full...

Thanks in advanced...


Answer : Trixbox conference bridge hangup

Seem like you have a SIP trunk issue.  One side of your trunk is not sending a BYE message.  Check with your SIP trunk provider for the proper asterisk/trixbox trunk setting.  Or check on the website or google for "SIP trunk hangup problem"

BTW, you can terminate the conference by double clicking it in the trixbox panel.  This way you will not need to reboot you trixbox.

Good luck.
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