Question : Duplicate groups. How to resolve and remove?

We're on version 6.5. An application relies on (multi-purpose) groups of employees, but suddenly we have a few duplicate groups. This may have been created during a period with some replication problems; but this is not the issue right now. I really would like to know: If I make these groups 100% identical, i.e. containing the very same employees, will it then matter if I remove one or the other of these duplicates? If it matters, I would appreciate hints on how to resolve this issue.

Answer : Duplicate groups. How to resolve and remove?

For the purposes of Access Control in a database duplicate groups will cause an issue and only one should exist.

It will not matter if you delete one of the duplicate groups so that you know which is the most recent and the group being used for permissions.

I have seen some applications that modify groups create duplicates on occasion or replication conflicts in multiple server environments.
If you have multiple servers try to get all address book modifying agents to run on a singe server.
On single server environments get agents that modify the address book to not overlap their running period if possible.
You can create an agent that periodically looks for duplicates and either removes the duplicate or tries to merger the members into one group or any other process you like to use.
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