Question : RMI over TCP/UDP
Been looking into these 3 communication protocol. It seems TCP out weighs RMI and UDP.
what the advantages of RMI over TCP/UDP?
Answer : RMI over TCP/UDP
Well unless I am mistake, RMI is an application level protocol (such as SMTP, FTP, etc) they all need a transport layer protocol to run ontop of. Witch means you cannot compair TCP/IP (or UDP) to RMI, because TCP/IP is like the road and RMI is like the car, probably not best compairison, but you get the picture.
To answer part 2 of this question UDP = Stateless and TCP = Stateful, UDP is used for short small transmitions, and does not have any ACK(Acknolgement) (for example Ping or DHCP are UDP protocols), on the other hand TCP is a transport protocol that uses a handshake to extablish a connection then uses an series of SYN/ACK's to verify that the reciever has recieved the desired transmition.