Question : How to change font with stringbuilder in VB.NET

Hello.  I have simple text that is being sent to clients via smtp email.   I need to format the text so that the columns line up correctly.  To do this, I think I need to use a font such at Helvetica.  How can I do this?

Here is my code:
            aMsg.From = aAddressFrom
            aMsg.Subject = theSubject
            aMsg.Body = mystringbuilder.tostring  ---> NEED TO FORMAT THIS TO HELVETICA

            Dim smtp As System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient = New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
            smtp.Host = myEmailServer

Answer : How to change font with stringbuilder in VB.NET

start with and and

What I often do as a shortcut is to take a HTML editor (Visual Studio, frontpage, ...) and create a template of what I want.
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