Question : Exchange SSL IPhone

I'm trying to setup I phones my my Exchange Network Securely. I use OWA and need SSL to be turned on, however even with a VPN turned on with access to everything inside the network I still cannot get Email on the IPhone to work. I went to my Exchange Server and saw this error message "ServerActiveSync event 3029 The mailbox server [] has its [exchange] virtual directory set to require SSL.  Exchange ActiveSync cannot access the server if SSL is set to be required.  For information about how to correctly configure Exchange virtual directory settings, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 817379, "Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile Access errors occur when SSL or forms-based authentication is required for Exchange Server 2003" (

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I want email to be set up securly without clear text being an option what do I do? Also note that I change the mail.fakedomain message. Normally the error message would show my correct domain.

Answer : Exchange SSL IPhone

817379 has some flaws. If you have an invalid configuration and then make the change it states, the invalid configuration comes across with it.

Furthermore, SSL is not turned on or off. You have made the common mistake of thinking that require SSL turns the setting on and off. It does not. With require SSL disabled, you can still use SSL.

What you have to do is reset everything, turning off FBA etc, then do the directory creation. After that you can turn fba back on.

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