Question : Notes API Functions Hangs

Hi All
I am using the Notes Lotus C++ API 3.0 on Windows 2000. But After Some calls ,Notes  API Hangs and Does not Return.
I have Initialized Notes via NotesInit() and Terminate the API after all API Calls.
Can Any One Suggest what would be the cause of Problem?

The Sequence of Program is as follows.


if(!(ret = NSFDbOpen("C:\\TestMail.nsf", &hdb)))

error = NSFItemAppend(....);
error = NSFNoteUpdateExtended(hMemo, 0 );




Answer : Notes API Functions Hangs

>> can't i use c function available in the c++ api ?
Yes, apparently you can, but you have to be VERY careful when mixing the two. I'd suggest you work with the C API alone, and start with one of the samples that comes closest to your requirements.

About C API compatibility:

Here's just an interesting link about the two APIs:

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