Question : Business Vs Home Internet Plans


I have recently started a small business doing It consulting that will run from my home office. I currently have 10MB down and 1 up.

The probelem is I want to host my own SBS server and email, so I would require a static IP and business account. For my ISP to do that I would get 4mb down and 384 up with a static ip for twice the cost of my residential. Since they are different companies, if I dropped my residential account I would lose my multi service discount raising the prices of my other services.

So far they have not minded me having ssh open on my residential line, so I am trying to avoid buying a seperate busines line and needing another router, cable modem, etc.

Is there somewhere that can receive mail for me and route it over a differnt port to my mail server, and when mail from my server goes out it also bounces through them?

I am trying to avoid hosted solutions as I would not have enough control over the system.

Answer : Business Vs Home Internet Plans

A lot of anti-spam companies offer a hosted spam service where they receive your mail and process it but do not host the mailboxes or mail system, they just relay to you. You might be able to find one that can liaise with you about ports/encryption. We use IntY's MailDefender service and they are quite good. I'm not sure how flexible they would be about port redirects but it wouldn't hurt to ask.
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