Question : Looking to contact leew

Again sorry for my non techincal, off topic post to the networking forum.  It's tough to contact some of you directly :o)  This message is being posted in hopes that leew will drop me an email so we can discuss the following message:

My name is Rafael M. Munoz. I’m a member of the Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional (MVP) team as a Community MVP relationship liaison (also known as “MVP Lead”) for Visual C#, Visual J#, Developer Security, Client Application Development and Windows Networking. I’m contacting you to let you know that you were nominated to be considered for an MVP Award in recognition of your contributions to the Windows Networking technical communities over the past year.

MVPs are recognized by Microsoft for their voluntary participation in offline and online technical communities. If you are not familiar with the MVP program you can learn more by visiting our web site at: Our web site includes a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section,, which provides answers to questions commonly asked about the MVP program and also provides a lot of good information describing the program.

The address in your profile was returned and I am unable to find another address for you thus the reason for my post.  I hope that you will contact me directly so I can begin conversations through email.  You can contact me direclty at [email protected].

Thanks for everyone patience on my post, this is a great community.

Answer : Looking to contact leew

Thanks - e-mailed.

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