Question : Allowing breakpoints in one project for two languages?

I have a project I am working on that has a PHP backend, and a Flex frontend. I currently have two projects setup with identical files, one using the NEW PHP Project Wizard, and the other using the New Flex Project Wizard.

In each respective projects, I can set breakpoints for that type of code, but not the other. (IE: when I am in the Flex Development environment, it ignores all breakpoints on PHP code. I understand this)

Is it possible to somehow have a 3rd "empty" project that references both of these other projects, and include libraries somehow so I can step through code from the two different languages at the same time?

Right now I fix all my flex problems, compile it and move the swf file to the php project to test the backend to make sure it's returning proper data.

Are there any other options within Eclipse to make debugging two languages a tiny bit easier?

Answer : Allowing breakpoints in one project for two languages?

Right click on the PHP project and goto properties.  then project references.  you'll see the flex project check the check box.

You also need to remove the flex code from the PHP project so that it looks for it in the Flex project.

Then eclipse will use the PHP debugger in the php project and the flex debugger in the flex project.
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