Question : Bundling ISDN with ADSL?

Is there a way to bind 2 connections into one? Any program or something?

First connection: 128kbps ISDN (one IP)
Second connection: 384kbps ADSL (second different IP)

Is there a way to create one single IP with these 2 conns?

Thank you,

Answer : Bundling ISDN with ADSL?

I'll start off by stating in advance that I am in no way an expert on BGP.  It is very complex and highly configurable.  I simply don't have enough experience.  However, I still understand the basics of how it works.  

BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol.  The most widely used version of BGP is BGPv4, which is defined in RFC 1771 (  I'd recommend at least scanning this document if you want details on how BGP functions.

BGP is a link-state routing protocol used heavily on the backbone of the Internet. It consists of two key components: External BGP  (EBGP) and Internet BGP (IBGP).  EBGP is what we are discussing here.  

One of BGP's key features is the ability to share bandwidth across multiple dissimilar connections.  It works by interoperating with directly connected networks (e.g. your ISPs' networks) using Autonomous System numbers.  Each ISP will need to have their own unique AS number, as will you.  You can apply to receive one from ARIN (  Since BGP routes based on AS numbers, you can use a single IP address for multiple Internet connections (which is what you are asking for above).

Once you have your AS number and have convinced your ISPs to route to it, BGP is configured on your gateway router(s) to work with the multiple connections.  You have a lot of options available as to how you want to make it work (it is highly configurable).  For instance, you can weight the connections so that one is preferred over the other.

Oh, and BGP is pretty processor intensive, so you may need a larger gateway router on the edge of your network to handle the load.

Anyway, that's a VERY high level overview.  Hopefully, it will answer your question.

Good luck!
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