Question : networking solution.. plz help


I have a case and I'd like to solve it. Can somebody help me with that plz

Nancy Smith is the director of network infrastructure for Big E. Bank (BEB). BEB has just purchased Ohio Bank(OB), a small regional bank that has 30 branches spread over Ohio.

OB has a WAN connecting 5 cities, in which it has branches, to OB’S main headquarters in Columbus. It has a series of MAN’s in those cities, which in turn connect to the LANs in each of the branches. The OB network is adequate but uses very different data link, network and transport protocols than those used by BEB’s network. Smith’s task is to connect OB’s network with BEB’s network. She has several alternatives. Alternative A is to leave the two networks separate but install a few devices in OB’S headquarters to translate between the set of protocols used in BEB network and those in the OB network so that, messages can flow between the two networks. Alternative B is to replace all the WAN, MAN and LAN network components in OB’S entire network so that OB uses the same protocols as BEB and the two can freely communicate. Alternative C is to replace the devices in OB’S WAN (and possibly the MAN’S) so that each city (or each branch, if the MAN’S are replaced as well) can communicate with the BEB network but leave the LANs in individual branches unchanged.  In this case, the device connecting the MAN (or the branch) will translate between the OB protocols and the BEB protocols. Your job is to develop a short list of pros and cons for each alternative and make a recommendation.


Answer : networking solution.. plz help

Sounds like a homework question. This is far too hypothetical to be real. There are lots of banks that used mainframe SDLC/SNA networks which merged with banks that had IP based networks. Eight years ago, that was a perplexing problem. Not any more.
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