Question : Open Jasper Reports .jrprint file

I am using NetBeans 6.7.1 on OS X Leopard and have just installed iReport and Jasper Reports as NetBeans plugins.

I created my first report and saved it ( with the default .jrprint extension )

After closing and reopening NetBeans later I want to retrieve my report. However there seems to be no menu option to reopen this file. When I use the File Open menu option and navigate to the file the IDE objects saying
" This file appears to contain binary data. Are you sure you want to open it in the text editor ? "

How can I reopen my report in the Report Designer ? Am I missing something obvious ?


Answer : Open Jasper Reports .jrprint file

I've had another look at the problem after a night's sleep - solved !

I now realise that I should be opening the .jrxml file which contains the report definition, not the .jrprint file which is a representation of the report output ....

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