Question : setting up SFP/TXT and Reverse DNS help


I need a dummies guide to setting up reverse DNS and SPF/TXT records (setting up a mass mailer - not spam!!!)

I've found a wizard

and config instructions

However, we're not interested in hosting this ourselves
I need to know the following:

1. Should i use the likes of to do the reverse DNS

2. I was going to set up 10 sub domains on the 1 domain in case one gets black listed, is this possible?
How does this work? do i need to point the entire DNS servers to them?

3. If so, if i use DYNDNS, can i buy one domain, and create 10 sub domains from it, and only pay for the one primary domain?, yet still have full control over the TXT and SPF records for these sub domains.

4. Is there a UK company that provide this service?

5. in the custom DNS section of, they say
"Up to 75 DNS records per domain name and up to 2,592,000 queries/month "
What happens after i reach these queries per month, and is there a provider that offers higher?


Answer : setting up SFP/TXT and Reverse DNS help

1. The reverse dns is handled by whomever owns your ip addresses. This is typically your ISP. In some cases (usually business accounts) they can delegate that to a server that you control, but in most cases they'll handle it for you. Just call them up and ask them to change the PTR record for your IP.

2. Typically IP addresses get blacklisted, not just host names. If you set up 10 sub domains all pointing to the same IP, if that 1 IP gets blacklisted, you're still dead in the water.

3. Yes, if you buy 1 domain, you can create as many subdomains as you want for free. Some hosting companies limit that though.

4. Sorry, I'm in the US, I have no idea

5. After you hit that quota I'm assuming they stop responding to queries for your names.
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