Question : Telnet from Command prompt

I opened the command window for my XP copmuter.
typed in "telnet localhost 80" to open the connection to the local web server.
Ctrl-]  and set the localecho on.
Then the command windows changes to:
Microsoft Telnet >

I typed in the HTTP-GET command like this:
Micorsoft Telnet > GET /iishelp/iis/misc/default.asp HTTP/1.1

It gives me "Invalid command"

It doesn't know GET command. What can I do to make it work?

Answer : Telnet from Command prompt

To know if there is a server listening on port 80, you can open a DOS command and type "netstat" - this will list all your listening / open TCP connections. Look for a LISTEN connection on port 80. If there is none, you don't have a web server or it's not running.
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