Running two NT4 servers at 2 sites. We are trying to connect the two networks so that the machines on either network can access each other. We have succeded in establishing a link between the two sites and are able to ping across the networks, but we are unable to see any machines in the network neighbourhood.

I am aware that there is some requiment to configure an LMHOST file but have no idea how this integrates with a WINS server. Is it not possible to run a systme that is similair to good old dial up networking ?  

Although I have an understanding of certain networking principles WINS LMHOST and all that sort of stuff is new to me. So I need a really basic guide as to the process of setting up a WAN.

Lookforward to your ideas !


I don't know why previous two answers are rejected, anyway, they are very useful on the topics of how to setup two WINS partners. What I would suggest is depend on what kind of WAN connection you are using, Dial-UP Networking (DUN), leased line (DDN, Frame Relay and ISDN) or Internet.

1. If you prefer DUN, you should setup your NT server as WINS server and router, so RAS, RRAS and WINS services should be installed on the NT server of both sides.

2. If you prefer leased line and you have dedicated router on the two ends, you just setup the NT servers as WINS partners as the previous answers suggested.

3. If you prefer leased line without dedicated routers, you should also setup RRAS on the NT server at each site.

4. If you prefer to connect the two site via the Internet, you should use PPTP to establish VPN between the two sites, setup both NT server as PPTP server, WINS server and router. Since Internet user can access NT's WINS database from remote site, for security reason, you should disable WINS binding from the interface to Internet.

As you mentioned, you want a basic guide on how to setup WAN, since the above 4 points all relates a lot of topics and procedures, I cannot describe all of them here, so please tell me which is your prefered way, and I may show you more detail information.
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