Question : Scripts i.e .bat files

I am using a Dell Poweredge server running Windows 2000 server. I have active directory installed and I have set up a domain controller.

I am still not not sure about these .bat files. I have been offerdd the following advice:

A Domain Environment makes things much easier.

You can create a batch file using notepad and save the file as MapHome.bat

Net Use z: /delete /y
Net Use z: \\SernverName\ShareName /y

Save the batch file in the share \\ServerName\NetLogon on the Domain Contoller
or in the shared folder c:\WinNT\SysVol\FQDN\scripts on your domain Controller.  This folder is shared as NetLogon

where FQDN is the fully qualified domain name for your DS.

However, I still need some clarification. The advice above regarding creating a batch file, is that all the commands I need? And should I be naming the files after the  users rather than MapHome.bat in the logon script field?
Looking at some example .bat files, one begins

@echo off


Net time \\server /set /yes

Echo connecting drives please wait........
@echo off

Net use p:\\server\user$
net use g:\\server\public  


Echo Thanks for your patience !!

Is this for Windows NT4 or can I use it for W2K?

I should be most grateful if further help and explanations could be offered regarding writing batch files.


Answer : Scripts i.e .bat files

Line by line....

@echo off

This line turns off the echo.  When you normally run a batch file the commands are displayed on the screen, with echo off, the commands are not displayed on the screen only the results of thos commands.


States that the following net use statements to not persist (do not stay) when the user logs off /computer resets.  So they must be re-applied everytime a the user logs on.

Net time \\server /set /yes

This sets the users computer time to the same time as the servers time.  Used for syncing time between a users computer and server.

Echo connecting drives please wait........

Displays "connecting drives please wait......"

@echo off

Same as other echo off statement

Net use p:\\server\user$

Maps the drive p to the hidden folder called user on the server.

net use g:\\server\public  

Maps the drive g to the public share on the computer named server.

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