Question : Unable to connect to ftp site in IE8
I reinstalled CuteFTP on a new computer but was unable to connect to any ftp sites. Suspecting that I had done something wrong in setting up CuteFTP, I tried directly in IE8 using
. There is an indication that it's trying to connect but nothing happens.
I then tried on a different computer on the same router. Connection was fine. CuteFTP also works fine.
Difference is the second computer is running IE6, the first is running IE8. I suspect I must have something in IE8 set that's blocking the handshaking at the ftp site. Any ideas?
Answer : Unable to connect to ftp site in IE8
are you able to connect to ftp from command prompt.. like
if connection is fine this will prompt for username and password.
if you are not able to do it even through command prompt.. then there is some firewall issue.
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