Question : Cisco Cat 2950 VLAN

Ive got a spare 2950 24 Port Switrch


I want to set it up with 3VLANS (Ports 1-8) (Ports 8-16) and (Ports 16-24)
I want the swich to have, and in each VLAN
I want the switch to be able to ROUTE between the lot

So I can plug in a test machine(s) into ports 1-8 (VLAN1) and give it a default gateway of and the switch will route to the other two subnets. and vice versa

I kinda think this is possible but - its been a looong time since I worked on a cat so..............

How do I do it - what are the commands?

Answer : Cisco Cat 2950 VLAN

2950's support vlan tagging (802.1q, ISL) so each port can be in it's own vlan or any combination, but it is not a layer 3 switch, so it won't be able to route between the vlans. You need either a router or a another layer 3 switch to do the actual routing between the vlans.  
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