Question : VPN (Log on using dial-up connection)

I have about 20 users we are trying to deploy as laptop users.  i want to make them logon through their aircards and get authenticated by domain controllers before it lets them in.  I don't want to used cached credentials.

so I have been trying to use the log on using dial up connection welcome screen.  have had multiple issues.

first of all we are using verizon access manager.  this seems to work fine.  

i create a vpn connecton through the network connections applet with these settings

connect to the network at my workplace>vpn>input company name>

then it asks for automatically dial this connection... i select the verizon access card
ip address is inputed  anyone's use

I then check it out and it works fine.  it resolves names on the network and it uses the correct dns server.

so i log out and select the bullet beside log on using dial  up networking to test out the new vpn connection.

it starts to logon and then it asks me to select a connection...  its not there.  just the verizon access card connection is there

now when i created the vpn's connections with the local administrator account they did show up.

so i made this user an administrator hoping that my newly created vpn's would show up as an option.. they don't

only the local administrator's vpn created connections show up and they wont save any credentials.

does anyone have a step by step process on how to do this correctly???

Answer : VPN (Log on using dial-up connection)

The Windows VPN client, when using the "logon using dial-up networking" feature, is designed to work in the situation where your VPN logon and your domain user logon are the same.  IOW, it is designed to work with a Windows RRAS server, not a router. Since you didn't specify in your OP, and I didn't ask, I assumed this was what you were doing. If the VPN connection is through your router and not a Windows RRAS server, I don't think you will be able to use the logon using dial-up networking feature successfully.

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