Question : Can't connect to <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.symantec.com" target="_blank">www.symantec.com</a> (everything else is OK)
Hi Since I bought a new PC and installed a fresh copy of XP Pro I have been totally unable to copnnect to the website www.symantec.com. Without exception, every time I attempt to connect I get the standard Internet Explorer error page "The Page Cannot Be Displayed - the page you are trying to connect to is currently unaavilable...". I know the site is up because I can see it perfectly from my work connection.
What would be blocking this? All other pages seem to work fine. Is it a security option in IE / XP? I tried with and without firewall installed and still no luck. I did have a couple of virus's but they have since been eradicated and the system appears clean.
Help! This is driving me nuts as I want to buy Norton Anti Virus!
Answer : Can't connect to <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.symantec.com" target="_blank">www.symantec.com</a> (everything else is OK)
Hi retroshaun,
One of the virusses you had probably put a line in your hosts file. It's a hidden file at: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Open it in notepad and remove every entry except " localhost"