Question : Web and email hosting with 2 different hosts - how can it be done?

Hi all,

I have been experiencing 25% downtime with our current website host (Yahoo) for the month of November.  Obviously, this is completely unacceptable, and Yahoo's response and support have been extraordinarily poor.

I cannot wait any longer for Yahoo to resolve this so I need to move to another host immediately.

We are also using Yahoo as our email hosts for this domain, it's an all-in-one package.  The email service for this domain is adequate.

My question is, if I transfer my site to another host, can I continue to use Yahoo's email service for that domain?

Site hosted with Yahoo.  Emails hosted with Yahoo.  Domain registered with another company.

What I want:
Site hosted with HostMonster.  Emails hosted with Yahoo.  Domain registered with another company.

Is this possible?  Could someone please tell me how?

Many thanks for your time.



Answer : Web and email hosting with 2 different hosts - how can it be done?

Here is an example for setting DNS:
ARecord        @        12.345.678.99
CNAME       www       @
CNAME       mobilemail
CNAME       pda
MX       @
MX       @

ARecord is for hosting (IP address)
www points to ARecord
you may have mobilemail and pda but dont have to
MX is for mail.

These records you should have on domain registrar under DNS settings. Since you will keep mail on Yahoo dont change MX records, leave it. Just change ARecord and www to point to your new server IP address (for hosting),
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