Question : Rebuilding Virtualuser

I have installed and configured sendmail on my Linux RH 9.0 machine.  I have added several domains under virtual domains in the http portion of this server running Apache.  I also have email accounts for each of these domains.  My problem is that I have addtional domains on this server that i would also like to have email accounts associated with.  I have added these to the virtualusertable and the genericusertable files in /etc/mail folder.  I can't remember how I rebuilt the virtualuser.db when I first set this up months ago.  Can someone point me in the right direction on adding email domains?  Thanks.

Answer : Rebuilding Virtualuser

What the error message that you are getting means is that the server is receiving an email for your domain but it does not know it should be delivered locally. It therefore tries to deliver it to the machine responsible but upon looking it up in DNS it finds itself listed and therefore highlights the error.

Can you double check the entry in /etc/mail/local-host-names
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