Question : Ending a process in Netware 5.x
This seems like a really dumb question, but i cannot for the life of me remember how to(or if you can) end a process that is either not responding or has been suspended. The problem stems from trying to unload an NLM and it hung. Now when I try to unload, it says that the module is already being unloaded by another process. I hate to have to down the server just to fix this.
Answer : Ending a process in Netware 5.x
ah, Norton.
since it's a removal program, you might be able to reboot the server (I'd do a RESET SERVER command first - this will completely reboot the server including the hardware).
if she hangs then I'd try a CTRL-ALT-ESC and try to down the server from there.
second to last resort - SHIFT-SHIFT-ALT-ESC and drop to the debugger, then enter Q to quit.
last resort - power down.
if you ever find a way to "kill" a NLM process besides the UNLOAD command - let me know ;)