Question : pros and cons of dhcp and class b subnet
Our school runs static ips with a c subnet. Currently we have approximately 230 clients, printers, servers on the network. What would be the pros and cons of converting to dhcp and a class b subnet?
Answer : pros and cons of dhcp and class b subnet
The best is to divide your network in to vlans each vlan for other purpose , and than make routing just between the vlans you want to. for example : you have a vlan for the wifi routers (there you can use dhcp) and this wlan cann connect just to internet another vlan for example pclab1,pclab2, employes ...etc
so you can assign a subnet for the wifi users for the employes (inet,mail, internall communication.... . ..
if a new router is out of yuour budget get some from ebay or it is no problem to build a router from a linux/unix PC (not so good performance as by HW router)
or Each wifi router does NAT so you can assign an ip fom existing range and NAT it to the wifi subscribers