Question : Live Communication Server Arciving is running but not archiving
I'm running LCS 2005 Sp1 on Windows Server 2003, I have MSQM installed and configured I have the DB instance created and running. I have the Archiving service activated and the service is running with no errors and all users are set to archive all communications. The Archiving Queue Path is associated properly. Everything is configured according to the M$ technet article for deploying LCS archiving, http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/office/livecomm/library/deployarchiving/lcsdar_1.mspx#ENIAC , but when I open the table "messages" in the LcsLog SQL datebase it returns 0 rows. What am i missing or is there possibly another issue?
Answer : Live Communication Server Arciving is running but not archiving
That is not a supported scenario. The SQL Server and LCS cannot reside on the same server for both Standard as well as Enterprise Editions.
Install SQL on a different box and try the steps in the document. It should work that way.