Question : Event ID 1053

First off let me explain, that I've scoured the web for this very dilegently and pretty much always find my answer. However, none of solutions I've found (msdn, experts-exchange, etc.) have helped.
Which is also the reason for the long post...

Here is the problem...

I have a Windows Server 2003 AD domain connected behind the router.
I have DNS on this server, handling all internal hosts, aliases, etc and simply forwarding things it doesn't know to my router, which then forwards to my ISP.
I have 3 clients (All XP) connected to the server, each configured with a static IP address.
The following configuration:
Gateway: (Router)
DNS: (DNS/AD W2k Server)

2 of the clients are wired, and 1 of the clients is wireless (54g, I'm letting XP's wireless zero handle the connection).

The wired clients are working perfectly, the wireless works for about 2 hours and then:
Source: Userenv
Category: none
Event ID: 1053
Windows cannot determine the user or computer name. (Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. ). Group Policy processing aborted.

Before that I can user any web browser (IE, Firefox) and everything resolves just fine. After I start getting these messages (frequency ranges from 20 to 60 minutes), the web stops working.
I can still ping internal addresses (including the DC), but nothing external, and I can also hit the problem computer from other computers in the domain.

I've banged my head long enough on this...

Answer : Event ID 1053

I've seen this problem lots.  One way we found to fix it is to have the administrators take ownership of all the files on the c drive
The second method was to remove/re-add to domain.  

Let me know how that works
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