Question : Automate install of a Complex Scheduled Task to Shutdown all computers on domain.

End Goal: I want to shutdown all the computers (all WinXP sp2) on the network (Windows Server 2000) at a specified time. I have tried to use shutdown.exe to shutdown the clients from the server, but it doesn't work if the computers have gone into sleep mode. The wireless cards in the PCs don't have the 'Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby' option.
So, My Idea:
Use task scheduler to schedule shutdown.exe to run. This allows me to specify 'Wake computer to run this task'. It has added bouns of allowing me to specify that the computer must have been idle and to retry for a certain period.
I must be able to automate the install of the scheduled task using an MSI package (e.g. to run a exe command) via Active Directory.
My Problem:
I can't automate the install of the scheduled task.
SCHTASKS command would be ideal but it doesn't allow me to tick the 'Wake the computer to run this task' box (unless there are more command line options?).
I have tried 'capturing' it using MSI tools, but nothing comes up in the registry or in files. I can save the task as a .job file, but don't know of a program to run this file to install it on a computer.

Ideally, the solution does not need 3rd party software, but if it does must be free.

(Tired primary school teacher fed up of switching 60 computers off every day!)

Answer : Automate install of a Complex Scheduled Task to Shutdown all computers on domain.

You can do this if you know how to script, and run it as a logon script..  

If you need to create scheduled tasks on remote or multiple computers, you can use the command-line tool At.exe or create a custom script by using the WMI class Win32_ScheduledJob.
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