Question : ipconfig /flushdns does not work!

Hello all,

I have a problem with a Windows 2000 network. Recently this customer of mine changed their website hosting company. When they did their email services stopped working. When I arrived onsite I did a simple fix by resolving the mail servers IP address (which is hosted by their website company) and adding a new DNS zone to their 2000 server to point to "". I added a host ip for their mail and web servers. This instantly fixed their problem.

So then three days later they called me to tell me that they could not longer browse the internet. We I arrived I found out that they had "" set as their home page which was returning a HTTP 403 (Forbidden) error. But they could infact browse to any other page on the internet except their own.

I did a trace route to "" which will go to the webservers correct IP. (Web server is in the 206. supernet and mail is in the 69. supernet) So I checked their DNS cache by ipconfig /displaydns and the A host record for "" is the IP for their mail servers. So I double checked my DNS settings for the zone and found it to be correct.

So then I did a ipconfig /flushdns on one of their workstations and it released all their DNS records except for and I dont understand how to get these computers to release these records.

Things I've tried:
ipconfig /flushdns, Logged in as local administrator and tried the flush, Removed the computer from the domain and removed all network protocals and reinstalled them, hooked one of the workstations directly into the DSL modem and let the computer resolve the address's using the ISP DNS servers.

Nothing has helped at all. Microsoft doesnt have and technical articles on this problem. Please help, I wished I had more points to give!

Answer : ipconfig /flushdns does not work!

I would check if by any chance there isn't something left back in the %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.
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