Question : computer won't connect to internet
I have a desktop computer with a modem and wireless router attached. Everything was running run until my internet connection went kaput.
I called tech support for the modem and went through all the steps with them. I hooked up the modem directly to pc and got rid of the router - still no connection. Then I hooked the modem to my laptop and received connection. I hooked the modem and router back up to the desktop and still have laptop connection.
I am running XP and using a Microsoft Router. I have tried resetting the modem and router. I have tried to ipconfig /release and /renew from command prompt. Whenever I try to uninstall my eternet adapter or disable it - the utility freezes. WHenever I go in Microsoft Networking and try to renew the ip there it freezes.
I am at a loss.
Answer : computer won't connect to internet
Hello rjmiller15 =)
Try running this Winsock Repair for XP >> http://www.spychecker.com/program/winsockxpfix.html And before running it, disconnect from interent and create a system restore point for precautions! :)