Question : Exchange Dismounted every night, enough disk space. Why?
hello, every morning at 5:00am I am geting this error:
Exchange store 'First Storage Group\Mailbox Store (ASTMAIL01)': The logical size of this database (the logical size equals the physical size of the .edb file and the .stm file minus the logical free space in each) is 18 GB. This database size has exceeded the size limit of 18 GB.
This database will be dismounted immediately.
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The thing is that my hardrive has more than 80gigs of free space! what other information should I post?
Answer : Exchange Dismounted every night, enough disk space. Why?
What server and exchange versions do you have? Depending what you have you, there are exchange database restrictions. This doesn't have nothing to do with your hard drive. It's a software version issue. You'll probably have to upgrade your current software.
Hope this helps.