Question : IIS Services Won't start
Good day, I am running Win SBS 2003 and the IIS has been running fine. Now for some reaso the IIS Service won't start.
The IIS console takes 60+ seconds to open and when I try and connect the message returned is "Server Execution Failed!"
When I look at the service itself it's not running, but when I try and start it I receive the following error message...following the usual...
"...refer to service-specific error code -2145318902"
Is there a command line reset that can take place or a log file that is missing maybe?
Any ideas?
Answer : IIS Services Won't start
Make certain you haven't installed anything that may be using port 80 try open IE http;//localhosts , if you can see a web page then there is your problem, remove the app using port 80 or disable it and start iis, try using cmd iisreset