Question : The local device name is already in use.

I have a Windows 2000 small business server network with one 2000 server and 10 Windows XP workstations. One off the Dell XP workstations is always lossing connecting to one or or more of the network drives on the server. This user has all the same software and hardware that the other workstations have. But after the machine sit for an hour or so and he click on the share drive icon in his My Computer folder it just shows the hour glass for foe ever then this message comes up.(An error occured while recoonecting Z to \\servername\Drive Z. Microsoft Windows Network : The local device name is already in use. The connection has not been restored.)
This never happens on any other machine in the Domain. And the only way to reconnect is for the user to reboot the workstation, and then it may work ok for a few hours again. This has been going on for 4 months now.
Please someone help me. I found no help from Microsoft's Knowlege Base.

Thanks Jim Clausen

Answer : The local device name is already in use.

is power managment enabled, if yes then try to disable it

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