Question : I'd like to make a batch file that would map network drives, add printers, add files, and install software...

How do I approach making a batch file that does the above and makes this happen the first time a user logs on to an SBS2000 domain with a windows XP sp2 machine?  If a batch file is not capable of doing this what kind of program language is?

Many Thanks,


Answer : I'd like to make a batch file that would map network drives, add printers, add files, and install software...

_______________________________Start Script
On Error Resume Next

' Set constants and variables

Dim wshShell
Dim Domain
Dim UserName
Dim nUser

Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set nUser = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")

Domain = nUser.UserDomain
UserName = nUser.UserName

' Map Company Folder

nUser.MapNetworkDrive "I:", "\\Server\Share"
nUser.MapNetworkDrive "J:", "\\Server\Share2"

'Clean Up
Set UserName=Nothing
Set nUser=Nothing
Set Domain=Nothing
_____________________________________End Script

Thats script is to map 2 shares on the same server.
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