Question : Auto start and minimzie Outlook in logon.bat at domain login.. how to?

Server 2k3   only server in network and is the DC
Clinet PC is XP PRO with SP2

I posted this question before and "THOUGHT" it was working.   My logon.bat seems broken here.

I want OUTLOOK to load when the user logs in and then MINIMIZE.

In my logon.bat I have a line:

Call startprograms.bat

in that BAT file is this code:

@echo off
Rem Starts Programs On Users Computer

Echo Starting Programs...

Sleep 2

Echo loading email client..
sleep 2

Rem Starts Outlook and minimizes it.
START ""/MIN "c:\program files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\outlook.exe"

sleep 2

Echo Programs have been started.

sleep 2

When I log on as a client user.... Out look seems to START as I can see it just fine.. but at the end of the bat file it doesn't minimize... it CLOSES out look.

Any ideas?

Answer : Auto start and minimzie Outlook in logon.bat at domain login.. how to?

I think the problem here is that when you are running the logon.bat outlook is running but not under the credentials of the user logging on, rather it is in actual fact being executed by the system BEFORE the user is actually authenticated and more or less 'logged in'. If this is correct, then that would explain outlook closing down, as, having executed the command at log on and having outlook started up, windows then assumes it's 'job' is done and closes it down so that explorer can run and the user can access their desktop. So in this case, it seems like something like the registry - run area or the start menu's startup section are better off in this case. Either that or you could try out srvany.exe which allows any program to become a service, although i'm not sure how successful that might be.
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