Question : WSUS - Error Download Failed 0x80246002


Have had WSUS running for some time with no problems. A couple of weeks ago I accidentally deleted the WSUS folder. I undeleted it (with easy undelete) and all the content is still there (5GB in size) and all seems ok. Ever since this happened though none of the updates before that time work. New updates work but nothing before the time that i restored the folder.

This is the error I am getting in WSUS:

Error Download Failed. 0x80246002

Any Idea's how I can fix this without downloading all the updates again (have a 3GB limit on our rural broadband and excess is expensive).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- Jason

Answer : WSUS - Error Download Failed 0x80246002

check out how useful this error reference is! lol
0x80246002       -2145099774     SUS_E_DM_INCORRECTFILEHASH     The file digest did not match the expected value

i would try reinstallins WSUS as i cant find anything that lists how to troubleshoot
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