Question : 0x4 error after running xcopy as a scheduled task on a Windows Server 2003 machine

Had a batch file that copied a large file overnight from 1 server to another. Ran perfectly every night.  Moved the destination folder to another drive (E: rather than D:) on the destination server and changed the batch file accordingly. Now every time the batch file runs it finishes with a 0x4 error - "Started 16/10/2008 22:05:00 - "moveexbk.job" (moveexbk.bat)
      Finished 16/10/2008 22:05:17       Result: The task completed with an exit code of (4)."

Any ideas?

Answer : 0x4 error after running xcopy as a scheduled task on a Windows Server 2003 machine

Changed backup routine back to use D: and all works. Don't really see where the problem was with moving to E:  but problem worked around...
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